Why Use A Retail Traffic Counting System

Paying attention to the number of people that are passing through your retail store doors should be taken seriously since foot traffic has a large impact on the success of your business in both the present as well as the future. Knowing the number of people shopping at  your business is a crucial factor in assessing how your business is performing, helping you map out revenue forecasts and pinpointing which marketing advertising is providing the most ROI for your company.

A retail traffic counting system helps you make a practical and effective business decisions by providing you timely and analytical data. Having a people counting system will equip you with an accurate and repeatable footfall measurement that will allow you to calculate your location’s conversion ratio, track and analyze visiting trends,  gauge your footfall patterns, compare shop performance, improve customer service and optimize staffing levels.

Schedule Your TraxSales Retail Traffic Counter Demo 

There are many advantages of making use of a retail people counting system, but the four main benefits of implementing a traffic counting system are below:

Measure Traffic

The main reason of any evaluation is to get the exact number of people coming and going; and that is what a people counting system gives you. With this system you can easily generate reports for the hour, day, week,month and year. This will show you traffic trends over time and will make sure that your store is properly staffed for both low traffic flow hours and peak hours.

Evaluate Advertising & Promotions

Advertising & marketing efforts can be quite expensive, so knowing which promotions are converting views into traffic to your location can save you money and increase the ROI of your advertising campaigns. Aside from counting the number of people coming and going through your doors, retail traffic counting system can be integrated with your POS terminal to help you track how many visitors become buyers and monitor the rise in sales of a particular product or service during a promotional period. If you are using an email blast campaign to encourage use of coupons or discounts, the use of these would be reflected on the POS data that the retail traffic counting system provides. If there is no increase in sales for the advertised product or service, it is a dead giveaway that the marketing campaign needs to be reviewed and revised.

Monitor Traffic Flow

People counting system is especially helpful during the holidays when items are on sale. Aside from monitoring the traffic flow inside the store, it would help you ensure that the store is not understaffed.

Optimize Labor Needed Based on Customer Volume

The retail traffic counting system helps you understand the flow of visitors into your store; the traffic counter will tell you which time of the day and which particular days your store is experiencing an influx of people and when your store is having an off-peak season or off hours. Knowing your peak and off hours/days will help you ensure that you have sufficient employees to man your store during the busy hours and not waste manpower during slow shifts. Optimized staffing means less overhead for employees.

Schedule Your Trax Sales Retail Traffic Counter Demo 

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