People Count on Retail Therapy

People Count On Retail Therapy 

If you own a retail store, chances are you’re familiar with the phrase “retail therapy” and what it can do for customers, but what if you knew the benefit went both ways? It’s no secret that shopping for things people want can oftentimes have a calming or euphoric effect.  The term “retail therapy” was coined in the 1980s. Technological advancements in the retail sector have allowed customers and salespeople to get to know each other on a deeper level. People counters have given insight to business owners that they didn’t have previously into customer buying patterns and what goes through their minds.  These technological evolutions have helped countless industries on a global scale. In recent years, salespeople have been allowed to track customer satisfaction in a new way.  This specific type of therapy is meant as an escape for most individuals, a balm of sorts to cope with the stressors everyday life can bring.  Store owners and customers alike have benefited from the phenomenon of retail therapy.  Shopping has been used as a momentary escape from reality for decades. Retailers have remained an oasis for shoppers even though a whirlwind of change has happened since technology has taken the world by storm. 

 Customers buying habits may not have changed much,  but the way customers interact with salespeople in-store or online has. People counters give salespeople an advantage that allows them to keep track of the sales they make, as well as the ones they have yet to make. People counters have become a vital part of any successful retailer’s toolbox. This customer counting technology has allowed a rapport to be built between customers and retailers that was unheard of in the past.  People counters add a degree of personalization to a shopping experience that hadn’t been thought of before.

Customer Counts Matter 

 Retail people counters can help store owners get a feel for customers’ spending habits, based on data from their in-store shopping experiences. When customers shop, they are presented with two choices, to buy or not to buy? By curating an experience that is unique to the shopper there is a higher chance of a sale being made. Retail therapy allows the customer instant gratification as they search for just the right item that will bring them the utmost happiness. Traffic counters gather crucial data to improve a customer’s in-store experience, as well as any future purchases that they may make at the store. 

 People counters can help owners track conversion ratios and prevent staffing blunders from happening, like overstaffing or understaffing on the sales floor. People counting technology allows managers and salespeople to find the goldilocks of numbers when the market is in bear mode. Installing a retail traffic counter in a  store will help owners stay on top of traffic trends and let owners and managers know how many employees are needed at that time.

People Counter
Hot Zone report that shows an overstaffed showroom.

Shopping can sometimes provide a distraction from the mundane and give customers a boost of dopamine, which can help ease stress. Retail therapy provides a sense of control they may be lacking.  Just as retail therapy helps customers ease their burdens, people counters do the same for business owners. This traffic counting technology will make it easier to track market trends and help business owners decide which ones will bring in the biggest revenue while not skimping on customer satisfaction. People counters can also help managers, owners, and staff identify customer patterns, build marketing campaigns and strengthen promotional materials. People counting technology can provide a little breathing room for owners, employees, and customers alike.  For example, If a manager notices that customers tend to congregate in one specific part of the store they could use a people counter to figure out how many staff would be needed and help salespeople formulate a better strategy to prevent bottlenecking and confusion.

Tracking with Traffic Counters

People counters can also provide correlations between marketing efforts and increases or decreases in revenue and help pinpoint weaknesses when they arise. A people counter will take the guesswork out of foot traffic. If it can be measured, it can be managed.  A major insight that is gained from owning a people counter is the reliability of the data being collected. People counters may also be used to track staffing issues and provide owners with customer insights that couldn’t be reached manually. The instant gratification that comes with retail therapy for customers is also true for business owners with access to conversion ratios. A happy customer is a returning customer. People counters can provide insight on how to make the best-informed decision for the placement of items and displays. Traffic counting technology allows business owners to gauge how impactful their marketing campaigns are to customers.  

When people decide to go shopping there is a certain amount of emotional pull that leads to their specific purchases such as brand loyalty, psychology, societal norms, and economic factors. Business owners use these factors to formulate data which is then used to make their own informed decisions and people counters are tools that are meant to help make vital choices for stores. People counters help managers and owners see the quantifiable results of their sales and promotional efforts while also providing peace of mind. Not only are people counters useful for tracking inventory but also for noticing peak busy times and staffing accordingly. Picture this: Have you ever been in a store that had too many salespeople on the floor at once? Or maybe they had the opposite problem and there was no one around to help you when you needed it?  Installing a people counter would provide you with a way to optimize the sales floor with just the right amount of staff for your store without disturbing patrons trying to shop.

Retail Traffic Counters and Security

In the digital age, you not only have to worry about physical security but online security as well.  People counters offer an extra layer of security not only to your personal digital information but your physical safety as well. Keep your data safe and secure with a people counter. Prevent identity theft and protect yourself from fraudsters with a people counter. However,  there still may be people out there who are skeptical about what people counters can do for them in the long term. A people counter not only gives salespeople some insight into their business but can also help customers make informed decisions on where to shop. If a customer likes a product and the services your store provides they are more likely to return in the future.  People counters may also provide analytics as to why customers may not have purchased. Social media is also reshaping the way people shop. In the decades before Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest, customers spent more time at the stores searching and not finding what they needed and therefore leaving the stores without purchasing anything. Customers shop with intention now and they are a lot more driven in that respect. People counters allow barriers to be crossed between customers and salespeople. 

 People counting technology allows trust to be built and brand loyalty to be reinvigorated.  Loyalty is always repaid in the retail world, and loyal customers will tell their friends and family about the products or services a store provides. New customers may show up and purchase your product when you least expect it. People counters can provide you with new ideas on how to best market your store and the products you sell. People counters provide insight into marketing strategies that pave the way for new demographics of customers. The act of shopping can immerse customers in a world of color, sights, and sound and can help ease the anxieties of everyday life. 

Door Counting and Data 

How salespeople and customers interact has become a lot more personal now with the introduction of social media than ever before.  Customers can get on the web and tweet their love for a brand, store, or product. People counters use the information that their customers give them such as an email address or phone number and what they spent their time looking at in-store to come up with a targeted ad or email that speaks to them on a subconscious level and is likely to bring them back into the store.

 Customers that engage in retail therapy are looking for products or services that help alleviate stress or lighten their moods. A people counter is a tool that can be utilized in much the same way for business owners and salespeople. People counters can help managers and owners gain knowledge from their showroom floor while also giving them real-time sales metrics and analytics that prove useful when trying to gauge overall revenue. A conversion ratio is the ratio of people who come in and purchase compared to the total number of visitors. In order to get an accurate conversion ratio a store owner should invest in and install a people counter for the best results possible. 

So many businesses still don’t understand the crucial data they could receive about their store performance and so many other helpful tools such as staffing reports, marketing, and promotion analytics as well as employee benchmarks that a people counter would provide. People counters not only help owners see where they stand in the world of retail, but they can also provide benchmarks for salespeople to see where they could improve and if there are any possibilities for growth within their company. 

The world of retail has changed with the times, and so should the instruments used to measure the growth and decline of store performance. Business owners have the opportunity to take data and reach new heights within the company Retail therapy is not a new concept by any means. People have been buying things to make themselves feel better for decades, shouldn’t business owners have the opportunity to keep up? Retail therapy is not a thing of the past, it will always be here because sometimes customers crave what is familiar and comforting to them. In this day and digital age and at this level of technological advancement customers are still creatures of habit, that will buy whatever comforts them.  

Tracking Traffic with Trax

TraxSales has the people counting solution of your dreams.  We’ve been in the business of helping store owners reach their sales goals since 1996. Business owners all from all over the world trust our system for the accuracy it provides. Some of our features include: Live traffic analytics allows you to access your data from any smart device so you can actually see the fruitfulness of your sales efforts. A Visual Proof system that provides live photos of every opportunity (sale or not) and thus creating a level of salesperson accountability that is unparalleled by any system on the market. Traxsales people counting solution can generate staffing reports that are easy to read that provide you with detailed hourly staffing updates for your store understaffing alerts so you’re never in the weeds without help again. Lastly, your conversion ratios by store along with each salesperson’s closing ratio so it is easier for you to benchmark employee performance. 

Below Average Brought to Average Report by Salesperson

People counters not only provide salespeople with the tools they need to succeed but installing and implementing our people counting solution is a great educational tool for your salespeople to see where they can improve and become better salespeople. Installing people counters in your stores will give you insight into what your customer’s needs are as well as how to best market to them. When they go into the store, salespeople can use this knowledge to provide a great service and show the value of your products and services.

Perhaps one of the greatest benefits of installing people counters in your store is the ability to use those metrics and reports to guide you in your merchandising and marketing efforts. These benchmarks and reports can also be used to assist in employee training and be a great benefit to individuals as they expand into their careers and become their own bosses someday. You can’t measure what you can’t see, so trust in the power of the Traxsales people counting system. 

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